A change of scenery

Published 24 October 2020

by Adam Hyman

A staycation does more than just get you out the house for the night. It opens the mind says our founder, Adam Hyman 

I think it’s safe to say that we’ll all be pleased to see the back of 2020. It’s been a drain on the emotions. We went from the initial excitement of lockdown – Zooms, a soothing Monkey 47 and Schweppes at 4pm, the series binges on streaming services, experiencing this strange way of being told how to live and being able to hear birdsong in middle of London – to the frustration of now living some strange life that sees us still being told who we can socialise with, what we can and can’t do and all in bed by 10pm. And for anyone who runs a business, it’s not been for the faint hearted.

But my other own personal struggle throughout the past six months has been the lack of travel and exploring. Whether it’s been a weekend jaunt to a European city with some friends, the work trip to New York or more of an adventure further afield to some far flung corner of the globe, it’s made me realise the importance of travel and not just because we all need an opportunity to switch off from everyday life. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. I find when I’m in a different change of scenery it sparks my creativity, it makes me think differently and gives the opportunity to learn and appreciate different things. Whether it’s culture, whether it’s the interiors of a restaurant or just embracing a foreign place where nobody knows your name. Some of my best ideas have started while sitting on a plane 30,000 ft above some remote part of the world looking down and wondering what was happening down below. Your mind wonders and it’s so healthy.

This week I was having my bathroom replaced in my flat. Along with the dust and general annoyance of living on a building site, I decided to upsticks while the works go, which has meant I’ve gone to living out of a suitcase. And I cannot tell you how refreshing the whole experience has been. I love being a nomad. Although I’ve never been someone who can turn up somewhere without knowing I have a place to stay, but I do like the nomadic nature of being away from home. Despite hotel hopping all of 10 minutes from my front door, this week has not only renewed my energy and general zest for life but it’s recharged my batteries despite still working every day. Waking up in a different place every few days is great for the soul and to break up the repetition of daily life. Also what is more delicious than getting cosy on the Frette sheets and ordering a room service club sandwich with fries and a bottle of something robust from Italy. 

But to end on an important note, it was a welcome reminder that not only is change good but so are staycations. We have some of the best hotels in the world in London and they’re all hurting right now. Business travel is practically non-existent and tourism ain’t happening and I worry that some of the occupancy levels I’m hearing are simply not sustainable. So if you’re feeling a little deflated or fancy a change of scenery for 24-hours then pack your overnight bag and experience some of the finest hospitality that our city’s hotels have to offer.

To read CODE’s travel guides and latest staycation series, click here

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