CODE’s Happiness in Hospitality 2020

Published 5 October 2020

by Adam Hyman

Radio 4’s All in the Mind and The Wellcome Collection released a survey today saying that nearly half of all people believe we do not touch each other enough. The positive attitudes towards touch are linked with greater wellbeing. Despite this research being taken out pre-COVID it couldn’t come at a more pertinent time in society. 

Physical interaction has always played an important part in hospitality whether the welcoming handshake from a maitre d’ or a warm embrace from a colleague. We currently find ourselves in this strange limbo of not really knowing what to do and hospitality is not about that – it’s about making people feel special. 

Our Happiness in Hospitality survey for this year is now live and as always, looks at wellbeing and mental health in the workplace, along with the wider issues of COVID and the Black Lives Matter movement and their impact on our industry.

Click here to take the survey

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