Hospitality shows its heart

Published 26 October 2020

by Lisa Markwell

While it’s profoundly shocking that 322 MPs thought voting against extending free school meals during holidays for hungry children was a good idea, the reaction from within hospitality was less shocking. Of course, despite suffering their own problems during the pandemic, many chefs and restaurateurs immediately swung into action, offering free food from their sites. Our friends over at Hot Dinners has a complete list within London, but just a few examples are Quality Chop House, Mei Mei, 12:51, Tom Kerridge’s Meals from Marlow and Padella.

Some chefs are partnering with others to help if they have no outlet or capacity themselves.No judgement from us on whether any restaurant feels able in the current economic difficulties to take part, but perhaps those that do could put a collection box somewhere so that those who can donate money to offset costs can do so.

It chimes too with Tonic Communications launching a Pay It Forward initiative to match free meals offered/accepted with a meal for a needy person (an idea that I’ve adopted and would urge other people lucky enough to receive invitations to do). All this is proof, again, that hospitality has a big heart.

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